Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Soul UK New Blog Posting

Soul UK just blogged about me here is the official link:

DOWNLOAD: Get Amy Serrata’s Album … For FREE!
tags: Amy Serrata, Download, Free Music
by Soul UK

Amy Serrata is one of those underground/indie artists that deserve WAY more attention than they are currently getting. I featured her on the site before here, and she was kind enough to answer a few questions (here) … but I’ll admit I was tempted not to write about her at all, not because she isn’t very good, on the contrary she is so good I was tempted to keep her as ‘a little secret’ only shared by a few other bloggers/music lovers.

Alas, I eventually decided her album was too good not to share.

Her soul/jazz/hip-hop hybrid style has drawn many a comparison, namely to icons such as Erykah Badu and Jill Scott, however I think Amy’s debut stands solidly on it’s own merits. And that’s where the good news comes in folks … you can now get the entire album for FREE, all you have to do is visit her site and enter an email address, that’s it. So why wait? Head on over and get the (free) goodness now while it lasts, oh and if you become a fan after listening, you are in good company :) .

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