Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life is better when we are greatful for everything and we let others compliement us and acknowledge them for who they are in our lives!

Life is better when we remember how grateful we should be for everything in our life. I just want to acknowledge all of the amazing people I have in my life right now. They see me as bigger as I am and not as my faults and what I should be but as my possibility of who I can be. Its so powerful to have them in my life and I've grown so much in my life. They are supporting me in following my dreams and have shared openly with me what I special gift I have to contribute to the world, giving positivity and good vibes through my music. How refreshing.

I talked with a good friend of mine tonight and she said that when we do not accept someones compliments we are not giving them opportunity to feel complete. I didn't know that people even felt like that. But now I see why. I often have hard time accepting compliments because often I do not think I'm good enough. But I am really. When I doubt myself its a loss of power. What if we did not doubt ourself and we kept moving and progressing as human beings? How amazing would that be?? I have had my close friends two of them both girls tell me openly about what I need to improve on and when I hurt them they can be open with me and direct and I can be ok with that. I could not do that before and had a hard time being straight with people and being vulnerable. Lately when I do really share myself and I talk about things that are meaningful to me I cry. Especially when I get present to the fact of how they have had such a positive change in my life. Its amazing how we all effect each other in different ways. Words are so powerful and actions are also very powerful as well.

Anyways I just wanted to leave these thoughts with you guys. I'm not sure whos reading this blog but I'm hoping that people do!